
How Do I Prepare Before Hiring an Agricultural Consultant?

Today, farmers are looking for the necessary steps to give them an edge in achieving maximum crop yield. Farming is becoming a challenging task that demands not only resources but also professional assistance. An agricultural consultant can help farmers develop the steps in establishing sustainable farming practices. What should you do before hiring an agricultural […]

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What Is the State of the Soil Fumigation Industry?

Today, the soil fumigation industry growth seems to be attracting more companies and products to the marketplace. This is in response to the increased demand for fumigation products and services due to the growing global population, which is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. The United Nations estimates that by 2030, the world will […]

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Why Is Soil pH Testing Important?

A majority usually see soil pH testing of the farmers as a luxurious approach they’re not willing to incorporate into their operations. That’s why it is not a common practice to come across farmers who are heavily invested in pH testing on their farms. Also, in some instances, soil pH maintenance is seen as time-consuming […]

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Why You Should Hire a Soil Consultant

Soil consultant services have been available to farmers for an extended period, but only a few farmers have been utilizing these experts. Soil consultants can play a vital role in enhancing the well-being of the farm. Here are the advantages of a soil consultant. 1. Understand Soil Nutrient Composition A soil test is a primary basis for determining […]

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What Is The Importance of Soil Fumigation?

Whether you are getting into growing or you have been doing it for a while, soil fumigation is a critical practice for controlling pest and disease infestation before planting. This practice takes advantage of a broad variety of chemicals, including pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and nematicides. Therefore, they get rid of insects, weeds, bacteria, fungi, weed […]

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