If you’ve been battling pests in your garden, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to keep them at bay without resorting to harsh chemicals.
1. Keep Your Soil Healthy
If you want to grow healthy plants, fruits, and vegetables, you need to pay attention to the health of your soil. Soil is made up of millions of tiny creatures called microorganisms that break down organic matter and release nutrient-rich waste into the soil where it can be absorbed by plants. The soil also contains minerals that are essential for plant growth and development. In contrast, unhealthy soil has few or no microorganisms and plants struggle to get their nutrients from the soil. It is impossible for healthy plants to grow in soil with no microorganisms at all. Using natural methods to maintain a healthy soil is the best way to keep it free of pests and disease. It is also the cheapest and least harmful way to maintain a garden.
2. Keep Your Soil Moisturized
Keeping your soil moist can help you keep your plants healthy and happy for longer. It’s a simple and affordable way to make sure your plant is growing in the right conditions. The most important thing you can do to maintain the moisture content of your soil is to water it properly. Always remember to check the plants that require more or less water and adjust your irrigation schedule accordingly.
Another simple and effective way to keep your soil hydrated is to install a soil moisture meter. These meters can give you a clear idea of how much water your soil needs to be at the right level for healthy growth. When your soil is too dry, it can become a breeding ground for pests and fungus. It can also cause the roots of your plants to dry out, which can lead to their death.
3. Keep Your Soil Clean
One of the best ways to keep your soil pest-free is to maintain a healthy garden environment. This can include routine care, watering at the proper depth, removing dead or decaying leaves, and using organic mulch or compost around your plants. Adding plenty of humus to your soil improves its texture, aeration, and moisture retention. It also enriches it with nutrients and helps microorganisms break down the organic matter into the essential elements your plants need.
Another great way to clean your soil is to sterilize it prior to planting. Soil that has been tilled in organic matter, covered with plastic or black cardboard for 6 months can be heated by sunlight and kill most garden pests and their eggs, weeds, parasites and a host of harmful microorganisms. Sterilizing soil is an easy and inexpensive way to get a head start on the gardening season. It can be done with a simple oven or steamer. It also reduces the number of disease-carrying organisms in your soil, which is particularly important if you have replant disease problems or are trying to control them.
In need of some professional advice? Custom Orchard Fumigation recommends using a garden sprayer to keep your soil pest-free all year long. It can help you to get rid of unwanted insects, fungus, as well as mildew. On top of its functionality, it is often a great solution for both small and large gardens alike!